
Jord is a previous Non-trivial Fellow and presenter at SATML 2023.

Recently, he was invited by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs to present his vision on future AI risks to stakeholders and Korean youth at the REAIM 2024 summit

Currently, he is pursuing LLM evaluations research at Apart Lab, self studying interpretability, and doing technical outreach at OpenNLP.

In his free time, he enjoys watching video essays about spinors or scientific fraud or video game lore, reading hard scifi, and making chiptunes.

He founded HAISN in February 2024 and is facilitating the AI alignment stream for its AI Safety Intro Fellowship program.

Feel free to connect on LinkedIn or reach out for a short chat.


Gumperto spent a year studying CS at the Hanoi University of Science and Technology, after which he received a full-ride scholarship, allowing him to continue his studies in Japan at Waseda University.

He has done a research project on GPT’s political bias for non-Western democracies in one of Apart Research’s research hackathon.

Interested in machine learning, agent foundations, and mechanistic interpretability.

Current maintainer for the group’s website.


DS-AI major at Hanoi University of Science and Technology since 2023.

Participated in a couple of Apart Research’s hackathons. Basically a newbie when it comes to technical topics but I’m working on that.

Also the bookkeeper and caterer for the group.


Student from VNU University of Languages and International Studies.

I am mostly interested in the governance and policies side of AIS.

Knowing the current dire situation of AI regulation, I participated in the club to actively learn and contribute to the conversation.